All Recipes Tagged ‘thyme’

Wild Mushroom Tartlets
Wild Mushroom Tartlets

  Mushrooms are sexy. Yep, that’s right. I said sexy. Their earthy, rich and distinctive flavor can be delicate or robust. They pair well with cheese, all kinds of vegetables and can even be the star in place of meat. They taste bright and airy when raw, creamy and intense when cooked. Mushrooms are used […]

All-New Old-Fashioned Turkey Pot Pie
All-New Old-Fashioned Turkey Pot Pie

  Turkey Pot Pie is the ultimate comfort food. Rich buttery biscuits cooked on top of a creamy sauce stuffed with turkey, potatoes and veggies.  Wait Barbara, you say. I thought you made HEALTHY recipes! How can such a rich delicious dish possibly be healthy? Well, I say, keep reading and I will show you […]

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Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Butternut Squash Tacos
Melon, Avocado & Prosciutto Open-Faced Sandwich
Orange Cured Salmon
Baked Strawberry Balsamic Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze
Peach & Red Pepper Jelly Grilled Cheese