All Recipes Tagged ‘roast’

Thanksgiving Turkey with Herb Butter and GIVEAWAY
Thanksgiving Turkey with Herb Butter and GIVEAWAY

This post was sponsored by OXO. Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Last year I did a whole month of Thanksgiving recipes. This year, I’m covering the center of the feast – the TURKEY! There is a lot of controversy that surrounds this famed American tradition of turkey roasting. Stuff it? Baste it? Cook on […]

Slow Cooker Onion Pork
Slow Cooker Onion Pork

Onions can be such a drag. I use them a lot in my recipes but I often cut up no more than ½ an onion at once so the noxious fumes don’t have a chance to invade my nose and cause an all-out episode of itching, burning and waterworks. I also make sure to rub […]

Engagement Chicken
Engagement Chicken

A couple of months ago I was lamenting about not yet being engaged. At nearly 33 and having dated M for (the most amazing) 2 ½ years of my life, I was excited and anxious to get married! People had been asking me when it was happening and I had no ring and no answers. […]

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Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Parchment Baked Tropical Rockfish
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Orange Cured Salmon