All Recipes Tagged ‘pork’

Slow Cooker Onion Pork
Slow Cooker Onion Pork

Onions can be such a drag. I use them a lot in my recipes but I often cut up no more than ½ an onion at once so the noxious fumes don’t have a chance to invade my nose and cause an all-out episode of itching, burning and waterworks. I also make sure to rub […]

Strawberry Glazed Pork Sandwich with Strawberry Pineapple Salsa
Strawberry Glazed Pork Sandwich with Strawberry Pineapple Salsa

It’s the beginning of strawberry season here in Southern California and those bright red juicy berries are just gorgeous! Every Sunday at the farmer’s market I’m greeted by trays of smiling strawberries. Biting into one of these berries I am reminded how incredibly lucky M and I are to live in San Diego. Not only […]

Pork Scallopini with Kumquat Sauce
Pork Scallopini with Kumquat Sauce

  Have you ever wondered what scallopini really means? I have ordered it several times in a restaurant and always knew what I was going to get when I oh-so-artfully try to fake a horrible Italian accent. But did I have any idea what the word actually means? Of course not. So I, with my […]

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Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

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