All Recipes Tagged ‘pasta’

Pistachio Pesto Pasta Salad
Pistachio Pesto Pasta Salad

Today is National Pistachio Day. I don’t know anyone who doesn’t like these sweet little morsels. I even have enough patience to crack them open by hand just to get those little darlings to my lips. To celebrate, I’ve pulled together a simple, fresh and healthy pasta salad that sings with the green hue and […]

Friday Favorites: Bruschetta Chicken Pasta
Friday Favorites: Bruschetta Chicken Pasta

I remember the first time I ate at T.G.I. Fridays. I was an awkward teenager, looking for my place in the world and trying to figure out where I fit in. The restaurant was new in my small little town corner of the world and, at the time, I felt it was the epitome of […]

Friday Favorites: Drunk Pasta
Friday Favorites: Drunk Pasta

When M and I were dating we would go out partying a lot with my friends. Friday nights were epic and when things would wind down, we would inevitably end up back at my apartment, drunk, laughing and hungry. Most of the time, our friends C&A were with us and we’d play cards to wind […]

Remixed Mexican Turkey Casserole
Remixed Mexican Turkey Casserole

  When I make a dish, I rarely make enough for just one meal. I usually make at least four servings of everything for a couple of reasons. 1) My hungry jumbo-lunch-eating boyfriend likes to take the leftovers to work the next day and show off to everyone that he has an amazing girlfriend who […]

Remixed Turkey Stroganoff
Remixed Turkey Stroganoff

  Although I love to cook, sometimes I am just too busy to make a complete meal from scratch. I do have a full-time job and it can be difficult after a long day at work to spend extra time in the kitchen prepping and cooking a meal. At the same time, however, I like […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Friday Favorites: Drunk Pasta
Roasted Sweet Corn Soup
Roasted Balsamic Beets & Carrots
Stuffed Poblano Peppers aka Healthy Chile Rellenos
Lemon Cherry Sorbet