All Recipes Tagged ‘orange’

Citrus and Avocado Salad
Citrus and Avocado Salad

It was one crazy holiday season for me and I still feel like I’m recovering. I created a whole month of Thanksgiving recipes, M and I went to Disney World (so much fun!), I was sick for a whole week in January with a bad cold and actually I was really sick for most of […]

Engagement Chicken
Engagement Chicken

A couple of months ago I was lamenting about not yet being engaged. At nearly 33 and having dated M for (the most amazing) 2 ½ years of my life, I was excited and anxious to get married! People had been asking me when it was happening and I had no ring and no answers. […]

Cumin Crusted Scallops with Shaved Fennel, Apple and Pea Salad
Cumin Crusted Scallops with Shaved Fennel, Apple and Pea Salad

  Last weekend was beautiful in San Diego. It was so sunny and warm outside I could hardly believe it was January! I love the warm sun on my face and the calm feel that summer weather brings. It reminds me of those wonderful summer vacations where nothing was required and anything could happen. This […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Friday Favorites: Crispy Herbed Salmon Cakes
Baked Strawberry Balsamic Donuts with Cream Cheese Glaze
Thai Red Curry Pumpkin Hummus
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Watermelon Salsa