All Recipes Tagged ‘gift’

Gingerbread Buttermints
Gingerbread Buttermints

Ah, the holidays. Time for cheer (stress), gifts (more stress), music (uh yeah, stress), family (STRESS!) and, of course, holiday goodies (Stre… wait, YUM!) My favorite part about the holidays are the goodies – my mother’s fruitcake, pretty decorated cookies, peppermint candies and gingerbread. It is so fun to give (and receive) handmade edible treats […]

Foodie Pen Pal August Reveal!
Foodie Pen Pal August Reveal!

This is my first month being a Foodie Pen Pal I am so excited to participate in this program. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to get a fun package in the mail full of delectable goodies picked out just for you? Ms. Lindsay of The Lean Green Bean has made that happen. I was lucky enough […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Camp Motivation (aka Camp Blogaway) 2013
Bruschetta 5 Ways, Whole Foods Event & a GIVEAWAY!
Friday Favorites: Crispy Herbed Salmon Cakes
Stuffed Cabbage Rolls
Steak & Cheddar Hand Pies and an Evening with Kerrygold