All Recipes Tagged ‘crab’

Crabtastic Nachos
Crabtastic Nachos

Who doesn’t love a good plate of nachos? I fondly remember my college days where the epitome of a celebration was centered around a keg and piles and piles of nachos. I went to college in Indianapolis and every weekend we would find ourselves huddled around giant plates of chicken nachos from a little random […]

Deconstructed Sushi Bites
Deconstructed Sushi Bites

  Sushi is one of my favorite foods to eat and probably my least favorite food to make. I find it difficult for several reasons: A. I’m not a sushi chef, B. It’s so difficult to roll tightly, and C. It’s so much more fun to watch someone experienced create a masterpiece! Nevertheless, being that […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Mom's Dilled Ham Salad
Breakfast at Tiffany's... A Bachelorette Affair
Thai Red Curry Pumpkin Hummus
Ham and Gorgonzola Frittata
Pork Scallopini with Kumquat Sauce