
Thanksgiving Extravaganza Recipe Roundup

Thanksgiving Extravaganza Recipe Roundup

Only a few days left until the big turkey day! I’ve been cooking up a storm all month to share with you some of my favorite Thanksgiving Day recipes. So, as you might be finalizing your menu, I thought I’d provide a recipe roundup of all my Thanksgiving Extravaganza recipes along with many other delicious eats from some of my favorite bloggers. And for all you slackers, I have something coming up tomorrow that may solve all your woes so stay tuned.

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Vegetarian Soy Chorizo & Cornbread Stuffing

Vegetarian Soy Chorizo & Cornbread Stuffing

So is it stuffing or is it dressing? Well, that all depends. The Joy of Cooking states that it is stuffing when cooked in the bird and dressing when cooked in a dish. I’ve also heard that those in the Southern States are more likely to say dressing whereas those in the Northern U.S. say stuffing. I grew up in Indiana cooking and eating stuffing all my life and changing vocabulary is a hard habit to break. Truthfully, I really just prefer the sound of it. ‘Stuffing’ sounds more decadent and sinful than the starched ‘dressing’. No matter what you call it, though, I’m sure we can all agree that it’s some damn good eats.

Last year for Thanksgiving I made two different stuffings. One was for meat lovers and the other vegetarian. I was highly anticipating my sausage, fennel and sage stuffing and thought for sure it would be met with rave reviews. I wasn’t quite as excited about the vegetarian chorizo cornbread stuffing but I knew it would be appreciated by my vegetarian friends at the table. I had never made either dish before (yeah, it’s very much like me to experiment on a crowd of hungry people), and I was anxious to hear what the polls said.

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Mom’s Sweet Cranberry Relish

Mom's Sweet Cranberry Relish

Thanksgiving is less than a week away and I’m still cooking up a storm. Everyone knows you can’t have a traditional Thanksgiving meal without cranberry sauce but we like to do it a little differently in my family. My mother makes the best cranberry sauce on this planet, but instead of a sauce, it’s really more like a cranberry relish. There’s no cooking involved and it’s really quick to prepare. My favorite part about it is that it’s made with fresh ingredients. This is not the canned jelly version of cranberry sauce.

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Best Ever Vegan Mushroom Gravy

Best Ever Vegan Mushroom Gravy

Thanksgiving isn’t just for carnivores. A delicious feast can still be enjoyed even without the giant bird. Even though the hubs and I partake in the ritual, we have a few vegetarian and vegan friends who thoughtfully shy away from many traditional Thanksgiving foods due to the meat and dairy factor. I always love having these friends over because I like the challenge of preparing foods that will provide them with the full meal experience and that everyone else will also enjoy.

This is why I don’t put butter or milk in my mashed potatoes…

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Autumn Squash & Kale Salad

Autumn Squash & Kale Salad

I hate going to the DMV. It’s such a disaster. I spent the entire day Friday trying to change my name and most of it waiting at the DMV. I first went to the Social Security office where the person behind the counter apologized multiple times for my long 30 minute wait. Dude, 30 minutes is nothing! If every time I went to take care of some obligatory government-type business it only took 30 minutes, I’d be stoked.

The DMV is another story. I proceeded to the nearest office and, preparing myself for the worst, walked inside where there was barely even any standing room. People were yelling and pushing and right then I knew something was up. An announcement was made that the system is down and they didn’t know when it was going to be up again so everyone would just have to wait. Seeing the growing anger rise in peoples’ faces, I decided to get the hell out of there and treat myself to some lunch.

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Cajun Shrimp and Corn Casserole

Cajun Shrimp & Corn Casserole

Have I mentioned that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays? Fall has so many wonderful flavors and Thanksgiving is a celebration of them. My family has the biggest Thanksgiving feast I’ve ever seen with dishes to please every palate. Oh… and the casseroles! The Midwest is known for their casseroles and there are usually about half a dozen to choose from at my family’s annual buffet. And the casserole that gets gobbled up the fastest? None other than that Southern classic – corn casserole.

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About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

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