All Recipes Tagged ‘spanish’

Crispy Baked Patatas Bravas
Crispy Baked Patatas Bravas

Last week I spent an inordinate amount of time working on a chilled sugar snap pea and mint soup. I worked and reworked the recipe, added ingredients, took away ingredients and no matter what I did, it just didn’t taste right. I wanted it to taste bright and smooth and like spring and it was […]

Saffron Potato Soup with Shrimp & a GIVEAWAY!!!
Saffron Potato Soup with Shrimp & a GIVEAWAY!!!

Today is a fun day because I have THREE things to be excited about. First, my BFF had her first baby yesterday and M and I got to hold her and love her and dote on her. [Cue raging baby-making hormones now.] I am so proud of the new parents and can’t wait to see […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

California Grilled Fish Tacos
Roast Chicken & Fresh Fig Salad with Lemon Dill Vinaigrette
Watermelon Salsa
Gluten-Free Chestnut Cake with Beet Grape Sauce
Basil Lamb Chops with Lemon Quinoa