All Recipes Tagged ‘Kerrygold’

Apple Cheddar Crumble
Apple Cheddar Crumble

This week has been a big and exciting week for me. Monday was my birthday (feel free to send me flowers, chocolate and a singing telegram!) Then, on Tuesday, M and I found out the gender of our baby. Now of course you all want to know what it is but too bad so sad […]

Steak & Cheddar Hand Pies and an Evening with Kerrygold
Steak & Cheddar Hand Pies and an Evening with Kerrygold

OK, so cheese isn’t exactly the healthiest food in the world but there’s no reason it can’t be incorporated into a healthy diet. I often use low fat cheese in my recipes but when I want to just chow down on a hunk of aged dairy, I want the real stuff. The best cheese to […]

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Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

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