All Recipes Tagged ‘baked’

Carrot Cake Brownie Bars and a GIVEAWAY!
Carrot Cake Brownie Bars and a GIVEAWAY!

Spring has sprung! Let’s all celebrate with cake and even better, a GIVEAWAY! My dear friends and past roomies from Camp Blogaway and I have gotten together for a carrot cake throwdown and giveaway for a $50 gift card to either Target or Amazon – winner’s choice!

Cajun Shrimp and Corn Casserole
Cajun Shrimp and Corn Casserole

Have I mentioned that Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays? Fall has so many wonderful flavors and Thanksgiving is a celebration of them. My family has the biggest Thanksgiving feast I’ve ever seen with dishes to please every palate. Oh… and the casseroles! The Midwest is known for their casseroles and there are usually […]

Parchment Baked Tropical Rockfish
Parchment Baked Tropical Rockfish

I realize that I haven’t shared much about our (that is, M’s and my) honeymoon in Hawaii. We were able to spend close to three glorious weeks exploring the most beautiful state in the country. And, since today is the anniversary of the day that our Polynesian sister became a state, I thought I’d sing […]

Potato Leek Gratin
Potato Leek Gratin

I was super excited to take the October Unprocessed Challenge. I rarely take on a challenge for a couple of reasons. 1) I don’t really like to subscribe to fads (especially when it comes to food) and 2) I tend to bore easily and I don’t generally stick with one thing for very long. Something […]

Coconut Curry Baked Chicken with Pineapple Brown Rice
Coconut Curry Baked Chicken with Pineapple Brown Rice

  I purchased a beautiful free range organic chicken that I couldn’t wait to turn into a delicious meal. I was scanning my pantry for inspiration when I came across a can of light coconut milk. I kind of have a thing for coconut curry… Ok, so maybe it’s an obsession. I LOVE Thai food […]

About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Irish Stout Grilled Cheese with Sauerkraut & Apples
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Hawaii - A Farmers' Market Perspective
Jerk Style Cornish Hens with Wasabi Sauce