
September Foodie Pen Pal Reveal!

The Lean Green Bean

This is my second month of being a foodie pen pal and let me tell you how exciting it is to get a package of foodie goodies in the mail each month! One thing I was hoping I would get being that I still had yet to try it was powdered peanut butter. If you read my reveal from last month you’ll know I did get it and it was everything I thought it could be. Well I am one lucky gal because I got a totally different kind of powdered pb this time! Lovely Janetha (pronounced Janeeeeetha) from Meals and Moves sent me FitNutz pb with raspberry jam. Yep, raspberry jam already IN the pb. I tried some right away on some homemade bread and it was delish! I can definitely see having this for my afternoon snack on some Wasa 🙂

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Steak and Potato Hash with Basil

Breakfast is a favorite meal in our household, especially weekend breakfast. During the week we generally eat the same thing every morning – steamed lentils and over-medium eggs. M learned how to make this staple breakfast of ours while I was studying for the California Bar Exam and it just kind of stuck with him. Now he usually makes us breakfast every weekday morning. (I know, I’m so lucky!) The weekends, however are still my breakfast play time.

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Roast Chicken & Fresh Fig Salad with Lemon Dill Vinaigrette

Late summer in San Diego is one of my favorite times of year. The sunsets are pink and gold, the tourists are thinning out, the mornings are chill and dewy and the fresh produce is abundant. I’m sure I’ve mentioned this before, but we are so lucky to have so many small organic farms in the county. You can find a local farmer’s market almost every day of the week. There is also a permanent public market in the works near downtown that should be in full swing by the end of next year.

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Foodie Pen Pal August Reveal!

This is my first month being a Foodie Pen Pal I am so excited to participate in this program. Seriously, who wouldn’t want to get a fun package in the mail full of delectable goodies picked out just for you? Ms. Lindsay of The Lean Green Bean has made that happen. I was lucky enough to be paired up with Courtney who is an amazing photographer (you can find her HERE) and happens to have great taste in foodie goodies!

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Sweet & Spicy Thai Martini

I’ve been missing from my blog. And I’ve been really missing my blog! Last spring I worked hard to be diligent about posting regularly but somehow life has caught up with me. I guess it happens sometimes. The reality is that I am just one person. And this one person has an awful lot on her plate! Since getting engaged, M and I have bought a house, moved, started redecorating and home improvement projects, participated in our dear friends’ wedding and have been working hard at planning our own wedding. On top of that we both have full time jobs that keep us really busy! I have been so upset that my blogging (and really, my cooking) has taken a back seat to everything else going on in my life.

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Taste of Knott’s – A Foodie Review

It’s a little known fact about me that I love roller coasters. It’s been a while since I’ve ridden on any, though, because of what I have to go through to actually get on one! The expense to get in a theme park, the crowds, long lines, screaming kids, crazy people, blah blah blah. It’s almost not worth it. Also, amusement parks are known for having really crappy food at really high prices. Someone recently told me it cost them over $80 to feed a family of four dry tasteless burgers and stale fries. Now, to me that does not sound like a good time and not generally worth it for a few seconds of roller coaster thrills.

So, when I got an invitation to come to Knott’s Berry Farm and try their new menu offerings I was definitely intrigued. I knew what I had come to expect from amusement park eateries and, alternatively, what I would like to see. I honestly did not have high hopes. Theme parks are not known for their food. But maybe I was selling Knott’s a little short with my preconceptions. After all, their business began with Mrs. Knott’s Famous Chicken Dinner Restaurant. And, they must have had some faith in this undertaking, having invited so many foodies and food bloggers uber-discerning food critics.

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About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Off to Camp I Went... And Came Back Inspired!
Ham and Gorgonzola Frittata
Melon, Avocado & Prosciutto Open-Faced Sandwich
Creamy Miso Avocado Dressing
Minted Strawberry Melon Salad