About Me

Barbara Cooks Headshot 1

Thank you for visiting! My name is Barbara and I am the author, recipe developer and novice photographer behind BarbaraCooks.com. I am a foodie and a classic home cook but I also have a passion for eating healthy. This has resulted in the need and desire to cook and create my own recipes and is also what inspired me to start this blog. BarbaraCooks strives to bring a fresh perspective to eating healthy with recipes full of flavor, not full of fat.

I am a newlywed, recovering attorney and wannabe mommy. I live in beautiful San Diego, CA where fresh produce is abundant and I try use local and seasonal fruits and vegetables in my cooking. I sometimes even use items from my own gardening attempts (which are purely experimental at this point!) I am a transplant to California, originally from Indiana where food brought us all together and became the center of family gatherings. I still love my mother’s biscuits and sausage gravy but I have adapted my cooking style to make healthy food taste just as good!

 M is my amazing husband who also serves as a great taste tester and my most discerning food critic. He is adventurous when it comes to trying new things which I’m so happy about because I think there’s nothing worse than an über picky eater. M is my favorite person in the world. No one has ever made me laugh as hard, smile as big or feel as beautiful as he does. I am so lucky to be married to this man!

What else do I like to do when I’m not creating delicious recipes? I love traveling (especially to Europe!), knitting, reading, hanging out at the beach, celebrity gossip (oh yeah, I admit it), and chilling with my cutie patootie cat, Roxy.

Isn’t she beautiful? Huge personality too. She talks (meows) constantly. I should record her sometime.

If you like what you see {taste} or have a request, please leave a comment. I love receiving them!

8 Responses to “About Me”

  • You and I seem to have alot in common. I love eating healthy, and trying new foods. Tho I prefer real easy recipes. I also am engaged and getting married on June 19th, so I’ve got alot of last minute things, packing, etc. to do. We are getting married at the beach (my dream). I also have a Calico cat named Calypso. She only has one good eye, bless her heart. I rescued her. Anyway, I’m thankful for your page, and also want to say, you and M make a very handsome couple. My fiance’ also makes me laugh always, and is God’s gift to me. I am so thankful. I wish you all the best always.

    • Barbara says:

      Wow! We really do have a lot in common! We aren’t getting married on the beach but it will be by the ocean. (I will post pictures soon after the event!) That’s so sweet that you rescued Calypso! You must send me pics. I too rescued Roxy. She was my neighbor’s cat when I lived in Arizona and they put her out and stopped taking care of her when they got a dog. She wandered into my house and has been with me ever since! I’m so excited for you and your fiance! Keep me updated on the wedding planning. Maybe we can share ideas! I also promise to provide you with some easy recipes to pull together on those late night planning sessions 🙂

  • Hi Barbara! Thanks for the kind words you left on my blog. My fiancé spent the first year of our relationship living and working in San Diego. Now that he’s moved back home, I actually miss visiting him out there – it’s so beautiful! 🙂 Looking forward to getting to know you!

  • Rodzilla says:

    Hey just found your site, and love the recipes. I’m a fellow San Diegan and agree that we’re spoiled with the quality of food in the area. Love the recipes, do you plan to cover your meals out as well?

    • Barbara says:

      Thanks for checking out my blog! It’s great to meet a fellow San Diegan foodie 🙂 I may do a review from time to time of local restaurants or events if it fits in with the goals and purpose of my blog (healthy and fresh of course!) My main focus, however, is on using all the goodness San Diego to create delicious recipes full of flavor.

  • Christina says:

    Congrats on your engagement, Barbara! I look forward to meeting you at camp blogaway! Christina @Christina’s Cucina 😉

  • Christina says:

    So nice to learn a little bit more about you!

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About Me
Hi! I'm Barbara and yes, I cook! Welcome to my world of mouth-watering delicious food that you don't have to feel guilty about.
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Recent Recipes

Grilled Flank Steak with Creamy Mushroom Sauce
Deconstructed Sushi Bites
Pickled Red Onions
Hooty Marshmallow Chocolate Cupcakes
Minted Strawberry Melon Salad